unnecessary experiments

More than 60,000 dogs and 18,000 cats are killed each year in brutal and unnecessary experiments like the ones detailed below

Tide laundry detergent

tide detergent used on dogs for experimentation

Fifty-one Ridglan beagles, ages 8-12 months, were force-fed four different laundry detergents. All of the dogs either died from the detergent or were intentionally killed 144 hours after ingestion.

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refrigerator gas

Six Ridglan beagles, ages unknown, were forced to inhale refrigerator gas. It is unknown what happened to the dogs at the end of the study.

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sweetner used on dogs for experimentation

Thirty-six Ridglan beagles, ages 5-7 months, were fed the sweetener as part of their food for 90 days. All of the dogs were intentionally killed at the end of the study.

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viagra used as experiments on dogs

An unknown number of male beagles were given Viagra and then given shocks with electrodes inserted into the center of their penises, despite the fact that Viagra was already in use in humans. All of the dogs were killed at the end of the study.

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