welcome to dane 4 dogs

Dane4Dogs is a grassroots organization in Dane County, Wisconsin. Our mission is to end the breeding, sale, and use of dogs and cats for painful and distressing experimentation.  We support modern scientific alternatives to dog and cat experimentation.

Right in our backyard

Only a few miles outside of Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, there are thousands of dogs kept in stacked cages in windowless sheds, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Their cages are elevated to allow their urine and feces to fall through, and they spend their lives on uncomfortable wire mesh flooring, never touching solid ground.

These dogs never see sunlight, they never touch grass, and they never know the love of a family.

Instead, they are repeatedly bred and their puppies are sold to labs across the country for experimentation, almost always ending in premature death.

And this is all totally legal… for now.

How you can help


Whether you want to join our mailing list as a Supporter or donate your time as a Volunteer, we’ll keep you informed when we have campaigns in your area!  

Current Opportunities

You can Educate others

Dogs at Ridglan Farms are kept in horrific and inhumane conditions.  The experiments that are performed on these dogs are cruel and unnecessary.  There are many modern scientific alternatives that better replicate the human body and have higher predictive value.

learn more!

You can donate

Making a financial contribution in any amount will help us in our efforts. We are a very small organization trying to do the most good we can to educate people and advance modern science through legislation. Be a part of the movement to create change!

donate today!